Subject: inverse video problem....
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Jewell <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/21/1997 07:41:21
When I log into my MacBSD the screen sporatically changes to inverse video
and back again and then to underlined text.  Also, when I telnet out to
other servers the screen size changes and I only get half the area that my
MacBSD allows and when I come out of telnet it won't reset.  Any help on

-Chris Jewell

    "My fantasy has always been to find that perfect
      laid-back town by the ocean, the kind of place where
      the locals are all legendary characters who spend
      their days mixing up margaritas, where the air is
      always warm, and where the sea is crystal clear -
      a real Maragaritaville of the mind"

                          -Jimmy Buffet
                           "The Parrot Head Handbook"