Subject: SCSI "cannot mode sense" errors - any info???
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Tim Bessie <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/24/1997 18:08:15
I'm getting "cannot mode sense - using ficticious geometry" warnings
when I boot NetBSD, as per the below setup. Does anyone know
how to get rid of these?
>> One other question, though -- I formatted my new internal
>> drive (IDE with a SCSI frontend to it and an apple rom) with
>> Apple's Hard Disk Setup, and partitioned it with the same.
>> When I boot, I get "cannot mode sense" warnings. I was
>> thinking of buying a copy of Hard Disk Toolkit -- d'ya think
>> that would cure this?
>Hmmmm...that's one that would definitely be a bit beyond my experience. I
>didn't even know you could put a SCSI front end on an IDE drive. What was
>the drive partitioned with in the first place? I do kinda doubt that
>using HDT would fix it, tho, since we pretty much ignore any kind of MacOS
>SCSI drivers once NetBSD has booted.
Does anyone out there know if the SCSI mode pages are written somewhere
on the disk by the formatting utility, or are they resident in the
drive's ROM?
The drive was supposedly unused, so I don't know if it had been
formatted in any way beforehand. It could be the odd setup of this
drive that's causing the problem (i.e. it not been straight SCSI).
- Tim Bessie
Tim Bessie