Subject: Re: whats wrong here? anyone?
From: Dave Huang <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/25/1997 19:08:54
On Tue, 25 Nov 1997, wb2oyc wrote:
> >When you say "it crashes", exactly what happens? pppd gets killed?
> The modem hangs up the line, and the pppd is no longer running.
> >Or carrier gets dropped? If it's the carrier, do you have any idea
> >which end (your Linux box or the modem at work) drops it?
Oh yeah, it'd be useful to know the answer to these questions... does the
modem hang up because pppd quit, or is pppd no longer running because the
modem hung up? If the former, why did pppd quit? Turn on the "debug"
option and look at your logs. If the latter, can you tell which end
dropped carrier?
And FWIW, I'm doing similar stuff as you are, except w/NetBSD as my
router, and it's working fine... running NAT on the router (a 386/33), a
Mac running either NetBSD or MacOS 8, another Mac running 7.5.5, a PC
running WinNT or NetBSD, and another PC running WfW.