Subject: Re: whats wrong here? anyone?
To: Dave Huang <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/25/1997 22:49:08
>Oh yeah, it'd be useful to know the answer to these questions... does the

    At this point, no I don't know for sure.  It is rather a pain 
to keep bringing up the link, only to have it knocked out again trying
to isolate things.  I've tried this with three different kernels, and
they all do it.  Turned off routed in netstart, etc, etc, and then
dialing up the link for each iteration.  Good thing its an 800 number :)  

Far as I can tell at this point it is this end, and it is killing the 
ppp daemon on the Linux box and hangs up the modem.  I know why it quit;
it quit because I tried to telnet from NetBSD to a system on the network
at the other end.

    What I intend to do, is run tcpdump on Linux, and setup the filter
for the address of the Mac, and see what I learn from that.

    Hmmm, from what I've experienced I couldn't trust NetBSD on a Mac
to do it, but I'm glad to hear you've been able to make it work.
