Subject: Re: whats wrong here? anyone?
To: Dave Huang <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/27/1997 08:34:48
>Take a look at "TCP Extensions for High Performance" at
> for the details, but basically, it
>makes TCP go faster on fast and/or high latency networks. (The examples
>I've heard are ATM and satellite links).
Hmmm, thats interesting. I'm wondering if its not there, but not
compiled into my kernel? I recall options during kernel config that
suggest they may actually be the support for this! I gotta look into
that, thanks.
>RFC1323. It _is_ a bug that older Linuxes do bad things when they try to
>forward RFC1323 packets. I looked around a bit, and it seems that new
>Linux kernels will do RFC1323 too, BTW. (And I assume that means they can
>forward RFC1323 packets too :)
Oh yeah! My kernel is down a bit (2.0.0, and current is like 2.0.29)
My IP_masq code being so old may be the real culprit here, but I think
you've struck gold here too about the support in the kernel itself. I
distinctly remember the options, what I don't remember is whether the
explanation or the makefile says anything about the RFC tho'.
>> Will that same statement work with the other kernels such as SLOTMAN?
>> I haven't tried it yet, but since that one allows me to use X I will.
>Yeah, it should work fine... you can put it into your /etc/rc.local if
>you'd like, so each time you boot NetBSD, it'll turn off RFC1323... (and
>if you get a chance, you should probably upgrade your Linux too :)