, "MacBSD <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bob Nestor <rnestor@metronet.com>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/02/1997 18:58:09
Harry <Harry.Weppner@gmx.net> wrote:
>Just installed 1.3_ALPHA a few days ago and keep being amazed how many
>processes are able to run on a 8 Meg SE/30 :-)
>However, my ppp link keeps telling me (especially under heavy loads)
>ppp0: bad fcs <4 digit number>
Are you trying to connect to a Windoze Server, possibly NT RAS? If so
try putting a "nopredictor1" in your options file. That seemed to clear
up the problem for me. Also, if you're trying to connect to NT RAS the
previous version of PPP 2.3.1 wasn't built for MS-CHAP. There are some
fixes that correct this but I'm not sure they're part of the BETA
binaries (I know they're not in the ALPHA set). Someone needs to check
them out but I've been unable to because of problems with the NT RAS
Server I'm trying to use.