Subject: Re: ouff! success
To: Henry B. Hotz <>
From: Frederic Berier <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/1997 11:52:25
Henry B. Hotz wrote:
> At 10:54 AM -0800 12/9/97, Frederic Berier wrote:
> >By the way, build in ethernet of my 660AV does not work with this
> >version of Kernel. It tells me that network is unreachable, although
> >I've configured the riquired files.
> This sounds like a config problem rather than a driver problem.  You are
> creating an /etc/ifconfig.mc0 file, right?  

  Thanks Henry. I did not know that mc0 file name extension was for
build in MACE-5 ethernet. Is-it written somewhere?
 The network works fine now. 
I'll have to go on configuring BSD, and I have to find the video
interupt of my ThunderIV GX graphic card , and to instal Xwindow.
  The question about ttyflags still remains in suspens!

  Frederic BERIER 
Departement d'Optique 	     
  ENST de Bretagne          
   BP 832                   
 29285 BREST cedex