Subject: Re: Color X?
To: Mike Matz <>
From: Michael G. Schabert <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/13/1997 18:13:52
On Sat, 13 Dec 1997, Mike Matz wrote:
> I have an LC520, and I do not know anything about it's video hardware/etc.
> I heard, though, that X would not run on my machine in color if it has
> built in video. Is this true, and how would I go about finding out if it
> has built in video? It's an lc520, performa-looking machine, one piece.
> System 7.1.1 if that matters (hehehe). Thanks a lot.
Yes, it has built-in video.'s not quite that it won't run color X
if you *have* built-in's that it won't run color X *on* the
built-in video. They're close, but not entirely the same. You could use a
video card to get color X or you could wait 6 mos or so for Mr. Zucca to
get to a releasable state on the 520 with his intvid code. It's just a
random guess on the date...I have little clue what info he has on your
video architecture. I just know that it's a bit after the IIvx-like macs &
the AV quadras.
The one important thing that I'm unsure of, though, is the amount of PDS
support that we have. Not having a PDS Mac, I dunno what video cards there
are & what ones we support.