Subject: Re: Some X-problems...
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/13/1997 15:18:03
> Until yesterday I had given up on getting NetBSD to run on my Q800. OK,
> it worked, but X11R6 did not.
> Before I used my 16'' Apple RGB when attempting to get X started. It
> didn't work, ./startx, ./xinit didn't have any effect, nor ./X.
> Anyhow, today I changed to my 14 '' Apple RGB. When typing
> ./startx
> it tells me that :xinit not found. When trying
> ./xinit
> it tells me a pretty long list with errormessages, most messages
> containing :not found. (I dont think you want to know exactly what it
> says, its just nonsence)
> Anyhow, when just trying
> ./X
> something happens. I get an emty screen (fishbone) with the x-marker. At
> least this works. Does someone have any ideas what to do next? It would
> be nice to just write ./startx and a couple of xterms just showed up :).
> How do I get my 16'' screen to work? Maybe another kernel as recently
> suggested. Well, I think thats about it for now.
You need to adjust your PATH variable so that the X binaries are findable.
I think you want to add /usr/X11R6/bin to your path, then it'll work.
You shouldn't have to be in the X11 bin dir to get things to work. Also,
having '.' in your path can be a security problem.
If X runs, you're mostly there.
Take care,