Subject: Re: serial port access hangs computer - whom else?
To: wb2oyc <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/16/1997 09:41:32
> >Typically the problem is that GENERIC#47 is the last working kernel.
> >
> Bill,
> FYI....While I do have a Mac that fits the above statement
> (a Quad 605), and on which I have tried many kernels, I've never
> seen it fail yet due to this problem you're interested in. This
> machine has failed with various kernels due to Address error traps,
> panic: setrunqueue, vm_fault, etc, but haven't seen the one you're
> concerned about specifically. Just thought you might like to have
> this info as well. In all of the above cases I've used the booter
> version 1.11.1 and whatever happens to be its defaults relative to
> the serial ports. GENERIC 47 IS the most recent kernel that boots
> successfully on this machine.
Is there any pattern to the errors? Are they ever before the zstty0
gets attached? If the latter, this isn't it. :-(
In debugging, I ran into address error traps at odd times just
after zstty0 was initialized. I saw this about 50% of the time.
If you see these crashes at other times, like before zsc0 gets attached
or well after zstty01 gets attached, then you have a different problem.
I'm sending the patch in a seperate EMail. Please try it.
Take care,