, macbsd <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <cruller@unicom.net>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/16/1997 13:31:01
> Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 14:40:36 -0800 (PST)
> From: Paul Goyette <paul@whooppee.com>
> Subject: Re: Some problems with Slotmans kernel...
> Well, if you are using the built-in, on-board video, then you're not using
> a nubus video card, and SLOTMAN won't help you a bit. :( It only handles
> nubus video cards. Michael Zucca is working on internal video, but it's
> NQRN (Not Quite Ready Yet).
> There may some problems with the ROM info I have for the Q800 - I'll have
> to check. If I don't have the right numbers, I'll have to ask you to help
> me work on it, 'cuz I don't have a Q800. :(
> On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, BW wrote:
I have a Q800 running and could assist you and the slotman author when I
get done w/ finals (friday :-)). Right now it's running 1.2.1 w/ one of
the thirty something kernels (38??), I'll have to check when I get home,
AfterStep, Apple 16" rgb Monitor. I also have 4 nubus video cards to
work with. A thunder/8, appleII highres, Toby frame buffer, & one other
I can't remember.
I read on one of the accelerate your mac pages that the motherboards for
the C650, Q650, & Q800 are identical save a couple of resistors that
presumably identify the gestalt ID and of course the processor.