Subject: Re: IIcx hardware question
To: Mark Andres <>
From: E. Seth Miller <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/16/1997 14:50:57
AFAIK, the IIcx should run fine with 8 4MB SIMMS, giving 32MB.  I can't
seem to find any eveidence that it SHOULDN'T work, and at least one thing
says it should...  Good luck.

	-Seth Miller

On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, Mark Andres wrote:

> Hi,
> This is not 100% NetBSD-related, but here goes. I have a IIcx currently
> running NetBSD 1.3-ALPHA 99.99% of the time. The IIcx has 8 SIMM slots and
> currently I have the following: Bay A = 4 x 4MB SIMMS; Bay B = 4 x 1MB
> SIMMS.  This gives me a total of 20MB and this shows up fine under both
> MacOS and NetBSD.
> If I take the 1MB SIMMs out of Bay B and add 4 4MB SIMMs, I think I should
> get 32MB total RAM.  But when I start up, I only have 20MB of RAM showing
> up under MacOS in "About This Macintosh ...". NetBSD also only recognizes 
> 20MB.  I KNOW these are really 4 MB SIMMs.  Does anyone know if there is
> some hardware limitation on the SIMMs that go in Bay B of a IIcx that 
> limits each slot from recognizing more than 1 MB?
> Since I have the spare SIMMs, it would be nice to have my IIcx runninhg
> with 32MB of RAM instead of 20MB.  Any help or advice greatly appreciated.
> Mark
>    Mark Andres               E-mail:
>           Running NetBSD, 100% Microsoft Free!
>    Me & NetBSD: