Subject: Opera Web Browser
To: Port-mac68k <PORT-MAC68K@NetBSD.ORG>
From: T. Sean (Theo) Schulze <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/22/1997 14:21:07
The latest issue of NetBITS, published by Adam Engst of the Macintosh =
newsletter TidBITS fame, includes an article about a new web browser on =
the market called "Opera". At present only Windoze95, NT and 3.11 =
versions are available, but they are planning on porting Opera to other =
platforms RSN. One of the platforms will be the Mac.
They decided what platforms to port to by putting up an online survey for=
folks to express their desire for a port to their platform. OS/2 and Mac=
led the pack, and according to Opera Software, BeOS made a pretty good =
showing considering its installed base. Linux, however, did not do as =
well, surprising the publishers.
In any case, Opera Software has set up a site for users to continue to =
vote on their desire for an Opera port. It won't be freeware or =
copylefted; it'll be a commercial product. Their current release costs =
about $35.
I mention this only because of my recent disappointing results trying to =
compile Mosaic and Mark Andres' email correcting the misinterpretation =
that there is a NetBSD port of Netscape. We are either short of good =
browser choices, or I am short of info on useable browsers (both very =
likely). In any case, I registered my interest at the operasoftware site=
for a NetBSD-compatible port.
Here are the URLs:
Opera Software:
Opera's discussion of the port effort: =
I have been trying Opera on the Windoze95 machines we have at work, and =
it seems quicker than Netscape or IE4.0. That is just subjective, =
though. I haven't done any rigorous testing.
Disclaimer: I am not in any way related to Opera Software, and do not =
stand to make any financial or other gain from this message.
BTW: Opera may be looking for Mac programmers now or RSN, if their web =
site is to be believed.
T. Sean (Theo) Schulze
=2E..determines to remain actively seized of the matter.