Subject: Re: Classic, X, kernels, cd drivers... HELP!!!!!!!!
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/26/1997 17:51:42
> My name is Alberto, a spanish student. I'm rightnow installing netbsd on my Mac
> Classic II (512 Mb HD / 10Mb of Ram) and I have several questions and doubts.
> First of all, thank you very much for reading this message and happy new year to
> all of you.
> So these are the questions:
> -How can I control a Toshiba external CDrom drive from netbsd? With the MacOs,
> I employ a third party driver from FWB called CD Toolkit.
It should work fine. The reason you need another driver with MacOS is that
Apple doesn't want to be in the business of supporting all the drives
which can be hooked to a mac. NetBSD doesn't care that much. The standard
"cd" driver should be fine.
> -How can I get netbsd printing on my Stylewriter?
> -How can I re-compile dt 1.1.5 to work well on a classic II screen? (I behaves
> abnormally and it seems that it thinks I'm using a larger screen, not a 512x342
> one).
> -Which is the better way of shuting down the machine? What command have I got to
> use?
shutdown -h now to turn it off
shutdown -r now to reboot
> Again, thank you and please, reply to my mail address (
> 'cause I'm not subscribed to the mail list.
You probably will want to subscribe to the list as lots of helpful postings
go by. You can make liberal use of the 'D' key if you wish. :-)
Take care,