Subject: Re: How do I ...?
To: Chris Jewell <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/27/1997 08:24:28
Welcome to the work of NetBSD. As you are finding out, just because
something working under MacOS, it does not mean that it will necessarily
work under NetBSD. This was the case with your video card and now this
is probably the case with your track ball. Under twm, the other two
mouse buttons should just work.
A very handy command to know is 'dmesg'. It displays the output that was
displayed at boot time. You can use this command to display the messages
and then look for a line starting with "adb" that shows where your mouse
and keyboard are being configured. A power user would probably use the
dmesg |grep adb
Here is the output from my dmesg concerning my three-button mouse:
adb: MicroSpeed mouse, default parameters at 3
You see that NetBSD has recognized it correctly as a Microspeed mouse.
If NetBSD isn't calling your mouse by name, it is probably not configuring
it properly to use all three buttons.
You also asked about alternatives to twm, I use fvwm. Even under b/w, it
still looks very attractive and I especially like the virtual screens.
You can get precompiled copies at:
You will also need to get the Xpm library, so at the same time, be sure
to grab this file as well. Install the Xpm library first, then fvwm.
BTW, if you want to see what fvwm looks like in b/w, take a look at this
page which has a screenshot of my Centris 650 running fvwm and NetBSD.
Finally, hang in there. Yes, there are things that don't run under NetBSD.
I would love to have internal video color X on my C650. But part of the
fun (and learning) is getting things working yourself. If everything was
working, and pre-installed, and spoon-fed, I don't think it would be
much fun and I certainly wouldn't learn much.
On Fri, 26 Dec 1997, Chris Jewell wrote:
> I have X running (finally) and I have a 3 button track ball. How do I
> configure the buttons for the different functions of X. All I get righ
> now is click and click and hold, my thrid button has no functions at all.
> I am only abot to get the main menu of commands for the one mous button.
> How do I get to the config menus so I can set up X the way I want it to
> look? Any help along with suggestions on a better client (in B&W) than
> twm. Thanks alot...
Mark Andres E-mail:
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