Subject: New color X server available
To: port-mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/29/1997 03:05:06
I've managed to shove Ken Nakata's color X code into the current X
distribution's server (thanks so much Ken for doing this in the first
place and then making your code available!). This server should be able
to handle the NetBSD 1.3 X distribution without the complications of
reconfiguring the fonts. I'm using it right now, and it appears to be
working just fine. Please let me know if anyone has trouble with it.
You can find the new server at:
I'll try to find a better place for it later.
The file is a gzipped tarfile which should work just fine with the
Installer (it installs into ./usr/X11R6/bin/Xmac68k).
Please note, this server does not in any way add extra functionality over
the previous color X server other than that which is in the current
monochrome X server (in other words, no, this won't give you color
internal video support).
I'll post the source code/diffs in a few days once I've had time to clean
it up a bit (unless you want it sooner....just mail me).
I hope people find this useful.
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.