Subject: Re: serial stuff ad2
To: <>
From: Bert Koster <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/30/1997 01:53:37
Bill Studenmund
>You don't want the ADSP tool (sounds like bits of the communication toolbox
>to me).
Yes it is, it's the Apple(talk?) Direct Serial Protocol (that's what I'm
>ADSP is a protocol which runs over AppleTalk. You want to use the
>serial tool (or something like that) to connect out the serial port.
>The kermittool sounds like a file transferer. You want to first use one of
>the terminal tools to log in.
I don't know about the kermittool what it does exacly, but it is also
part of the comm. toolbox aswell as the serial tool etc. Since the serial
tool didn't work (as I expected it to) I tried the others aswell (ADSP &
Since I know quit a bit about the MacOs, I don't think (considering the
reactions on my 'question/statement') the error is on that side.... So, I
must be doing someting wrong on the BSD side......(Pfffff....)
Thanks anyway
Happy newyear!
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