Subject: Re: IIcx without video card
To: Armen Babikyan <>
From: Chris <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1998 00:11:23
I've noticed the same thing in both my IIvx and q605. The machines don't
like booting w/out monitors connected.
You can fool the machine into thinkings it's gota monitor by sticking
paperclips in specifc holes on the monitor slot. I'm not sure exactly
which holes, but afterwards it will boot up fine.
Hoe this helps!
On Thu, 1 Jan 1998, Armen Babikyan wrote:
> Hi,
> I just took apart my IIvx to use one of it's video cards in my IIcx, which
> i just installed NetBSD on. I set the machine to auto-boot itself and set
> up it's ethernet and stuff. However, I really would like to put the video
> card back in the IIvx, and the keyboard/mouse belongs to one of my other
> computers. I just attempted to boot the IIcx headless (and
> video-cardless) and mouse/keyboard-less, and it doesn't seem to even be
> booting up the MacOS (no noise from disk drive).
> Can this machine be booted this way? or does some hardware limitation
> prevent this machine from working with this configuration?
> thanks,
> - a