Subject: Interesting X stuff (and) WindowMaker?!?!?!
To: NetBSD List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Krak <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1998 04:28:41
Hi again,
I _finally_ got X working on my Quadra. I had to manually copy the
madhatter patch into the machdep.c file, but it works now (well, kinda).
The problem I now seem to face is that providing I am using my crappy old
non-multiscan Apple 14" display (BW, 640x480) X works great, but when I
switch over to my Nokia 447L (17" in BW, 640x480) it _still_ does not
recognize that I have intvid0 at obio0, or whatever the heck that is (I
know what I mean :P)
Anyone have any ideas on this??
Next problem.
I downloaded the Windowmaker XWindow manager today and the INSTALL
instructions call for doing ./build
I have xpm installed and I can find in /usr/X11R6/lib and
have (out of frustration) linked it to just about everywhere else I can
think of that it might be needed/wanted.
The problem comes right at the end(?) of the build when it says that it
can't find libXpm on my system and quits. :/ Has anyone had any
experience with installing Windowmaker? If so, what the hell am I doing
wrong here?? heh heh
I would use AfterStep, but Windowmaker looked so much cooler (well, once
color is invented <g> for the quadra's)
anyway, any and all help will be greatly appreciated
Greg Evans
Greg Evans Design
Your Web Design Specialists