Subject: Re: X HELP:where is libz!?
To: Chris Jewell <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1998 12:23:02
Chris Jewell wrote:
> > > I have run into the same problem with the new distribution of the color X
> > > server. I have MacBSD 1.2.1 and there was no libz in the lib directory
> > > when I tried to run the new color X server. I am running X11R6 and
> > > currently I have the last color X server which has the up and down arrow
> > > problem. Any help on where I could get this libz library would be greatly
> > > appreciated.
> >
> > It comes as a part of the NetBSD 1.3 (and ALPHA/BETA) base.tgz
> > distribution set.
> >
> Do I have to insall all of 1.3 or can I just install the base binary?
I'd recommend not installing _any_ of NetBSD 1.3, including the base.tgz
set unless you are sure that it will run on your machine. What kind of
Mac do you have (sorry, it appears I've forgotten)? Is is on the list of
supported machines in the 1.3 INSTALL doc?
If your machine _is_ supported by 1.3, you'll need to install the the 1.3
kernel, base, and etc sets. You'll also need the 1.3 X distribution. If
your machine is _not_ supported by 1.3 and you're still using 1.2.1 plus
some custom kernel, you'll need to make sure you have the 1.2 X
distribution and the _old_ color X server. The newer server is really
only for people using 1.3.
Does this make sense?
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.