Subject: Re: Running from Jaz disks?
To: Capt. Avram Dorfman <>
From: Coevoet Marc <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/04/1998 23:03:24
> Has anyone tried mounting, or booting from a Jaz disk?
Yes, I boot from jaz. Compile a lot etc.
> Is it any different than using a regular hard disk?
No. Just throw away all partitions that you are able to throw away.
> Is it possible to eject Jaz disks on the fly?
I'm not sure, right now the sytem is compiling binutils2.8,
but it works for cdrom after umount.
Just say eject /dev/<name>
> Do you have to do anything special to set a Jaz disk up?
BTW, if you have a Daystar@50Mhz, could you do
a unix benchmark with/out the daystar?
Please look for Benoit Martels website
My colour classic gets 0.4 over-all, jaz vs hd does
not make a big difference.