Subject: Re: faulty termcap/ncsa telnet?
To: Hauke Fath <hauke@Espresso.Rhein-Neckar.DE>
From: tcjam <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/05/1998 20:13:42
to add my experiences I find that linemode causes most of these problems.
I'm using the bettertelnet 2.5 beta right now and I like it much better
than stock NCSA Telnet but as a rule I keep linemode disabled it has the
strange effects listed below that I don't have happen when it is not
active. (some more wierd stuff: you can erase the prompt =] )
Anyway I find BetterTelnet is the best I've run into and once you get past
that linemode stuff it is perfectly usable (tabe works and everything)
this is real handy on my lc since it can't support a Mac based X server.
On Sun, 4 Jan 1998, Hauke Fath wrote:
> At 9:12 Uhr +0100 29.12.1997, E. Seth Miller wrote:
> >On Sun, 28 Dec 1997, SamMaEl wrote:
> >
> >[snip]
> >
> >> Oh... one thing, is that since I use pico alot I erased the
> >> Interrupt Process Key (in ncsa telnet, it gives you an option of your
> >> Interrupt, Suspend Output and Resume Output keys. When it's ^C (the
> >> default) the ^C function in pico (shows which line you are on) doesn't
> >> work, and when I'm programming I pretty much NEED that function, so I know
> >> where errors are, etc.
> >>
> >> But, would disabling that key, or changing it to something else
> >> affect both the ^C and the ^U characters? Do you think it's a
> >> NetBSD/terminal emulation problem, or a ncsa telnet problem?
> >
> >To throw in my $.02 worth, I've never seen a similar problem with NCSA
> >Telnet. I've used 2.6, 2.7b5, and a couple of University of
> >Michigan-specific variants of 2.7b5. I've always simply deleted the entry
> >in that little preferences thingy, like you said you did, and I've never
> >had a problem like what you've described. (The machines I've connected to
> >have been Suns, HP/9000s, RS/6000s, a couple of Linux boxes, my NetBSD
> >box, and a VAX.) I'd experiment if I could, but my Mac is 700 miles away
> >(Christmas break and all...). Still, I don't think it's a problem with
> >NCSA Telnet, but switching versions might be an answer. Another option is
> >to try switching telnet programs. I'm not familiar with Better Telnet,
> >but some people swear by it, so it may be worth looking at. Good luck!
> Working through my pile of mail and adding my 2 Pfennig en passant...
> I've always seen the problem with NCSA Telnet (2.5, 2.6, 2.7bX, what have
> you). About 50-70% of the session windows that come up have the ^C problem,
> and those that have it have another one, too: <tab> doesn't do filename
> completion anymore in tcsh - you have to fall back to <esc> <esc>, instead.
> The bug isn't fixed in BetterTelnet, either. I seem to remember that I have
> seen it while contacting an AIX 3.2.5 telnetd, too, but I'm not sure.
> IMHO, all the telnet clients for MacOS suck one way or the other (Comet,
> White Pine, ...). The NCSA client is the only one that supports resizing
> session windows on the fly and actually informs the application running in
> the window of the changed size.
> I finally broke down and got me a 2nd hand X server for MacOS.
> hauke
> --
> "It's never straight up and down" (DEVO)
o o
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