Subject: Still frustrated beyond belief
To: NetBSD List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Greg Evans <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/05/1998 22:03:08
Hello again everyone....
I am completely stumped (not that I am a Un*x guru of any sort, but this
makes no sense to me and maybe someone could explain the _why_ if not a
possible solution.
I have 2 monitors. An Apple 14" and a Nokia 17"
When I was running NetBSD 1.2.1 I was able to use any of the madhatter
kernels to do 800x600 Xwindows in Black and White on the 17" monitor. It
also worked in 640x480 on the 14" (all it is capable of displaying)
I recently started fresh and installed 1.3_Beta (soon to be release as
time allows) and with the help of the people here applied the madhatter
patch to the machdep.c file and compiled a new kernel that will allow me
to use Black and white X.
The only thing that I don't understand is that it _only_ allows me to use
X on the 14" monitor. I get the nice intvid0 at obio0 during bootup on
the 14" monitor and when I do a dmesg, but if I change monitors to the
17", it would appear that intvid is broken(?) as I do not get anything
related to intvid on that monitor.
Just to clarify...These monitors are _not_ hooked up at the same time.
The machine specs are
24 Megs RAM
250 HD all for NetBSD and Swap Space (upgrading to 3 gig as soon as I get
a case for the drive)
17" Nokia 447L monitor
Greg Evans Design
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