Subject: Re: Upgrading
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/06/1998 11:09:20
Hi Everyone,
** Big warning for everyone about to upgrade to 1.3 from 1.2x below! **
On Mon, 5 Jan 1998, Colin Wood wrote:
> Chris wrote:
> > Also, since I am using 1.2 now, how would I upgrade to 1.3 w/out losing
> > everything now?? What files do I need to download, and what is the best
> > way to install them??
> Download the 1.3 INSTALL file. Towards the end, there are 1.2->1.3
> upgrade instructions.
> Please let me know if they aren't helpful. There will be a web page on
> this one at some point in the future, I think.
There is. The URL is:
I spent a few hours last night upgrading my Centris 650 from 1.2E to 1.3.
There are a few "bugs" in the above Upgrade How-To that I will be fixing
up later today. But, I wanted to mention them now. This applies IF you are
upgrading from within NetBSD (and not MacOS).
The biggest hassle is the /etc/rc.conf problems. In the Upgrade How-To,
well into the process (actually step 6), you have booted into single user
mode, and the How-To reads:
Edit the file to your preferences, making sure that you change the line
that says:
to read:
Now here is the problem. In single-user mode, you cannot use vi or pico
because they cannot find the TERM environmen variable. The only editor you
have available is 'ed' which is a line editor. So here is how you can use
'ed' to make the changes in the /etc/rc.conf file.
First, use more to browse through the /etc/rc.conf file. Make a note of
any lines that you would like to chnage. For example, note that the
following are the defaults:
Then, type in the following commands:
ed /etc/rc.conf
You will see a number printed (number of characters in the file) and then
the cursor will be at the left hand side. Type in this command to edit the
For example, if you do not have an ethernet card,
Make all the edits that you need to make. Do not forget to do a
so that you will be able to boot multi-user. Now, use the single letter
command 'w' to save the new file. Then, use the 'q' command to exit from
'ed'. You can use cat or more to verify that you have successfully edited
the /etc/rc.conf.
Also, in Step 4 for the Upgrade How-To, you are asked edit the /etc/fstab
file. The How-To recommends creating a new one from scratch, but you can
make the changes with these 4 simple commands:
ed /etc/fstab
These 'ed' commands should not be that frightening if you are used to
working with 'vi'.
One way to avoid all of this is to extract the "etc.tgz" tarfile in a safe
place and make the edits to ~/etc/fstab and ~/etc/rc.conf before you do
anything else. Then, when you come to steps 4 and 6, you can just copy in
the pre-editted files.
For those who are upgrading under MacOS, you can use cpin and cpout under
the Installer Mini-shell to get the files into your MacOS partition and
back again. Remember to use a text editor that can keep the UNIX linefeeds
such as BBEdit Lite.
Good luck and enjoy 1.3!
Best wishes for the new year,
Mark Andres E-mail:
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