Subject: Why the Jan 6th creation dates on some 1.3 sets?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tim Bessie <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/06/1998 21:19:25

I haven't seen anybody ask why it is that, after 1.3 was
released, it appears some of the sets (all symbolic links
to files in ../../../m68k/binary/sets/) have a creation
day of Jan 6th.  Anybody know why this is?  Should we have
these latest versions?

I downloaded a couple of them and compared them, but the only
differences I could see (besides some binary differences that
I couldn't decypher) were that compiled files appeared
to have been compiled under a different directory hierachy.
Was this just a moving around of the source files for compilation,
but no changes in them?  Anyone know?

- Tim Bessie

Tim Bessie