, "Chris <smirks@mail.eclipse.net>
From: None <wb2oyc@bellatlantic.net>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/09/1998 06:00:27
>> Hi,
>> I have a Quadra 605 w/ a 680LC040 and I would klike to give NetBSD a shot
>> on it...=)
>> Where can Iget this 'Software FPE'?
>It's built into the kernel...feel free to try it. A warning, tho. I
>think that the Q605 might also suffer from internal video mapping
>problems, but I don't have one, so I can't be sure.
Chris & Colin,
My recent experience with the Q605 went like this: you'll want to use
the booter 1.11.1, as it has a check box that implements a "hack" that
resolves the problem of loss of video for the console, so you'll be able
to use the internal video. And, the kernels later than GENERIC #47 will
not work! I haven't tried any since mid-December, but those from 48-52
do not work on the Quadra 605. 47 works fine.