Subject: Re: Anyone using Chimera 2.0a
To: Chris Jewell <>
From: Andrew Brennan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/09/1998 14:11:53
On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, Chris Jewell wrote:

> I recently downloaded Chimera 2a14 and I was wondering if anyone else has?
> I cannot seem to find in tany of the documentation waht the resource
> variable is for using a Proxy server.  Does anyone know this information
> or who I could contact?
   If you only have the binary for it (shame on you :^) you might be able
   to extract the name of the environment variable using 'strings' on the
   image.  I'd try a first pass grep'ng for "proxy" -- Lynx and WGet both
   use http_proxy as one of their variable names.

   andrew.  (