Subject: Re: A/UX <-> NetBSD
To: Capt. Avram Dorfman <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/09/1998 17:26:09
At 4:49 PM -0800 1/9/98, Capt. Avram Dorfman wrote:
>Also, I don't believe there is as much software ported to A/UX, or that
>the ports come as soon as they do for NetBSD.
Probably true, but you used to be able to get the "hard" stuff, like a
current version of X and gcc, from And stuff like
perl or gmake tended to either work or be easy to port. I know there is a
util library that makes it easier to port stuff.
I haven't used it in years so I don't know if Jim Jagielski (sp?) is
keeping up the way he used to.
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