Subject: Color X
To: <>
From: Avatar <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/10/1998 12:36:26
I have Colin Wood's version of Color X up and running with only
one minor problem. The colors make the display impossible to read. Text is
is light yellow while the background is in a slightly off yellow. Window
bars are in a pink and the text in a slightly darker pink.
My question is: can I change colors?
Also - and I know this was discussed here before, but - are there
any precompiled binaries of other window managers for NetBSD mac68k?
"What really interests me * Benjamin Shayne * "God is a comedian,
is whether God had any * Graphic Designer * playing to an audience
choice in the creation * Micro Consultant * too afraid to laugh."
of the World." -Albert E.* Space Cadet * - Voltaire