Subject: Re: Browsers...?
To: Dave Huang <>
From: Mark Andres <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/11/1998 18:18:06
Thanks for the warning. I was going to try it, but maybe I'll pass for
On Sat, 10 Jan 1998, Dave Huang wrote:
> No, not really... it was pretty crashy for me (on both i386 and m68k), and
> a lot of the "fancier" websites don't render correctly... I thought amaya
> was supposed to be a nice modern browser that knew about tables and
> frames...
> That was version 1.1b... I just tried to compile 1.1c, but it's even
> harder to compile than 1.1b (I wonder if they actually try to build amaya
> from scratch before release it). There's the standard problem of the
> configure script not working right if you don't enable Java support, and
> now the 1.1c distribution seems to be missing a lot of files. All of the
> libwww stuff, for instance.
> I suppose I'll just download the Linux binary and try it out on my
> pentium... if it actually works decently, I might try to get it to compile
> on NetBSD :)
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