Subject: Re: Netatalk for NetBSD?
To: Stephen Rose <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/12/1998 11:41:34
> Thanks again for your help with Netatalk.  I'm now trying to utilize the
> information that you
> have placed into the FAQ to hookup a Epson Stylus 800 to the IIx.  I'm
> hoping that with ghostscript
> and atalk, that I'll be able to make it available as a spooled, postscript
> based, print device.
> I seem to have trouble, however, every time I try to access /dev/tty01.
> The system will hang
> until I unplug the printer,  or turn the printer off.  Even the stty
> command triggers this.

Add the "local" option to the line in /etc/ttys (see man ttys for more info).
Will the system, or just that process, hang? I'd suspect the latter.

Take care,
