Subject: NetBSD benchmarking site?
To: port-mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Capt. Avram Dorfman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/12/1998 17:49:00
A little while ago, someone wrote in w/ a URL for a site that had a 
benchmarking suite. He was also gathering benchmark stats for various 
NetBSD configurations (mostly Mac systems I believe).

The url I had was For at 
least the last three days, I haven't been able to even get successful 
name lookups for "" I can't ping the nameservers listed for the 

Anyone have any idea what's up? Does there happen to be another site for 
this NetBSD benchmarking stuff? Is Canada just burried under so much snow 
& ice that they can't get on the Internet? 8-)

-Capt Avram Dorfman
Chief, Network Operations
(last resort email:
