Subject: Re: Mac Classic II - Modem Port Not Working under MacBSD 1.3
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/13/1998 22:16:38
> I have Run NetBSD 1.2 generic Kernel on my Mac Classic II for about six
> weeks without any trouble.
> I use(d) a terminal on the modem port as console and the printer port ran
> 57.6k ppp to my NT Server for internet access.
> After a fresh installation of 1.3 binaries, the system would hang just
> before accessing the console. After swapping the the console to "printer"
> port, the system boots. However sending anything to or from /dev/tty00
> (zstty0) just goes nowhere.
> The Modem Port seems unusable.
> The /dev directory appears to be in order.
> The booter config also seems OK
> When running MacOS the modem port works perfectly for Modem/MIDI/LocalTalk
> etc.
I assume you're not hooking up a midi box when you're running the console on
the modem port. ?? :-)
> It seems that the new Generic Kernel is not addressing this port properly,
> there is however, no errors during boot.
> Anyone experience similar problems with 1.3? Perhaps I should be looking at
> the booter, not the OS?
No. It's either in the hardware or in the driver. Do you have access to a
serial break-out box?
What are your serial port settings in the booter?
Take care,