Subject: Mac Classic II - Modem Port Not Working under MacBSD 1.3
To: port-mac68k Mailing List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brennan Weir <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/14/1998 16:09:43
I have Run NetBSD 1.2 generic Kernel on my Mac Classic II for about six
weeks without any trouble.
I use(d) a terminal on the modem port as console and the printer port ran
57.6k ppp to my NT Server for internet access.
After a fresh installation of 1.3 binaries, the system would hang just
before accessing the console. After swapping the the console to "printer"
port, the system boots. However sending anything to or from /dev/tty00
(zstty0) just goes nowhere.
The Modem Port seems unusable.
The /dev directory appears to be in order.
The booter config also seems OK
When running MacOS the modem port works perfectly for Modem/MIDI/LocalTalk
It seems that the new Generic Kernel is not addressing this port properly,
there is however, no errors during boot.
Anyone experience similar problems with 1.3? Perhaps I should be looking at
the booter, not the OS?
As you can imagine, having one serial port and no internal console or
ethernet is a real problem!
Thanks in advance,
Brennan Weir,
"When you choose a path, you also choose a destination."
- Ancient Chinese Proverb about TCP/IP -