Subject: Re: netatalk in GENERIC?
To: Steve Quint <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/14/1998 08:55:54
> At 11:06 PM -0800 1/13/98, Amitai Schlair wrote:
> >Is netatalk enabled in 1.3 GENERIC? I ask because I installed the
> >netatalk package from on my machine, and on boot I get
> >the following:
The one in pub/NetBSD/misc/netatalk?
> Netatalk support is in the generic kernel.
> Your problem stems from a bad 'install' target in the makefile. Copy
> atalkd to the directory specified in rc.atalk (/usr/local/atalk/etc by
> default) and try again.
Since I'm the person nominally maintaining the netatalk package for
NetBSD, and that setup worked on my machine, I'd love to hear
what's wrong.
Take care,