Subject: Re: SE/30 Memory
To: Brad Salai <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/14/1998 21:45:07
Brad Salai wrote:
> If this is inappropriate, flame me personally, not to the list.
> I just put 8 4meg simms in my SE/30 mailserver running NetBSD.
> I got them from for $9.00 each. They seem to have them every
> day, and the price doesn't get out of hand like some things.
> Watch out for shipping though, it is high if you only buy a little bit of
> stuff.
> I don't work for them, or even know anyone who does.
I've had decent experiences with them as well. They often sell 3-button
Mac mice fairly cheaply, and Micropolis hard drives are going for like
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.