Subject: Re: Colour X-windows on SE/30
To: Andrew Diller <>
From: Rodney M. Hopkins <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/16/1998 18:52:42
At 12:40 PM 1/16/98 -0500, you wrote:
>As for doing it, why don't you go get some ethernet (on the PB,
>SCSI-ethernet) and a cheapo hub (or even a 10bT crossover cable to directly
>hook them up) and then be done with it!
>I have a Se/30 with 32megs and 1.3alpha here on the schools ethernet, and I
>use Exceed on my Win95 machine to connect-- it works wonderfully.
Sorry to butt-in on this discussion, but I've got some X-related questions
that have been eating at me for a LONG time and this seems like the perfect
opportunity to bring them up.
Can you please tell me how you set up the configuration above? The
situation you've described above is almost EXACTLY what I want to be able
to do. I have a SE/30 and a Windows NT box on the same LAN and I'd like to
be able to connect to the SE/30 using X from my NT box. The problem is I
don't know that much about X and so I've been very reluctant to set up X on
the SE/30, because the darn thing is slow enough already. I'm really not
sure I want an X server running on the SE/30, but I'd sure like for it to
be able to serve X client applications. Do you know what I have to do in
order to set up the SE/30 this way?
Secondly, and here again is where my lack of knowledge of X comes in, how
exactly does the connection you mentioned above work? Meaning, do the
X-client programs that I want to "run" off of the SE/30 on my X-server on
the NT box have to be compiled for x86 architecture, or can (or must) they
be compiled for 68k architecture or does it even matter? The point of this
question is, if I need to have X client programs compiled for x86
architecture in order to "run" them off of my SE/30 on my NT box then the
whole setup will be pretty worthless to me since I don't have an available
x86 BSD box to compile X programs on. If on the other hand, the X-client
programs that reside on the SE/30 are compiled for 68k architecture and
actually run on the SE/30 and the X software just transmits the graphical
information back and forth between my NT box and the SE/30 then the whole
situation becomes a lot more interesting to me.
Also, one final question for all you X experts out there. As I said, I
have an SE/30. It's has a Maccon ethernet card in it and 20M of RAM. I
have noticed a couple things that I think are weird. When it boots, it
recognizes my video on the nubus as grf0. Shouldn't it recognize it as
intvid instead? Finally, I notice the ite0 device always comes up and says
"not configured." Is this a function of my not having X installed or do I
have some deeper problem?
Thanks for your help!
Rodney Hopkins