Subject: Re: message "/netbsdadb: standard keyboard at 2" has ^H^H
To: Makoto Fujiwara <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/18/1998 03:34:31
Makoto Fujiwara wrote:
> One more thing,  /var/log/message has strange ^H charactors.
> See following at 2nd line of the dump.
> (The address count is also strange ? It should be 0000010 on
> second line ? )
> makoto@ci  3:13:52/980118(/tmp)> grep adb /var/log/messages 
> Jan 16 20:57:42 ci /netbsd: adb: bus subsystem
> Jan 16 20:57:42 ci /netbsdadb: standard keyboard at 2    <---- THIS LINE
> Jan 16 20:57:42 ci /netbsd: adb: 100 dpi mouse at 3
> Jan 16 20:57:42 ci /netbsd: adb0 at obio0 (ADB event device)

This one is pretty easy to explain (more or less).  In the MRG-base ADB
support (/sys/arch/mac68k/mac68k/macrom.c), there is the following

 * Without these print statements, ADBReInit fails on IIsi
 * It is unclear why--perhaps a compiler bug?  delay()s do not
 * work, nor does some assembly similar to the  printf calls.
 * A printf(""); is sufficient, but gcc -Wall is noisy about
 * it, so I figured backspace is harmless enough...

followed by this line:

printf("\010"); printf("\010");

So, hopefully, that'll answer your question.  If not, then I suppose
you're in the dark as much as the rest of us :-)


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.