Subject: Re: IIcx upgrade to 1.3, PPP and more
To: J R Gasser <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1998 15:30:07
> I am less than clear on how to load a newer booter (I have v1.1) as it
> seems that I need a newer version for BSD1.3  Is there a Howto on
> getting a booter in to the Mac-OS for those who don't know about Macs?

	Actually, no there isn't. I may add that into BooterManual.html

> I assume that I can download a compressed binary under BSD1.1 and then
> get it into the Mac part of the system somehow, maybe this is wrong.

	The Booter file is stored as a text file ( .hqx or BinHex, sort
of like uuencoding for a Mac file) on the FTP servers. You could ftp it
into NetBSD, exit Unix, start the MacOS and then use the Installer's
MiniShell "cpout" command to put it onto your Mac disk.

	The other think you will need is an application on the Mac to
unencode this file. Something called BinHex, DeHQX, Stuffit or Stuffit
Expander should do the trick.

	Unfortunately, if you don't have any of these utilities on your
Mac, you will need someone to give you one on a Mac OS floppy disk or

(It is a bootstrapping problem. Mac OS files are stored in two parts
 or forks, and you cannot execute any file which only has one half,
 like the file you copy out of Unix)

	Maybe we should add an mcvert function to the MiniShell?

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