Subject: Re: Rebuild an X11 server
To: Arnaud Blanchard <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1998 15:37:26
Arnaud Blanchard wrote:
> At 9:15 AM -0800 on 1/19/98, Colin Wood wrote:
> > Arnaud Blanchard wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi!!
> > >
> > > How can I re-build an Xserver for my MacIIci (running NetBSD1.3)
> > > What archive do I need to take ( I got X331servonly.tgz but there
> > > isn't support for netbsd-mac68k in it !).
> >
> > You need:
> >
> >
> >
> > I believe. It's quite large, but it includes the mac68k stuff. Where'd
> > you get the other file?
> Quite large ??? Too large for me :-(
Yeah, it's pretty big. But that's the only place you'll find the mac68k
additions. It only takes about a day and half to compile, tho.
Why did you want to rebuild it, anyway?
> I got the other file, on a "xfree86-3.31" mirror site
> in France....
> But I think you can other mirror at
> Another thing : I saw that id software released the sources of
> linux-doom-1.10. I'm trying to get it working under NetBSD, without
> X11... But I got problem b/c I can't change CLUT.... Any Idea ??
I've got the sources, but I haven't tried to compile it yet. Assuming
this is still mac68k, I have no idea how to change the CLUT (although
there might be an ioctl() for it, but I can't remember without the source
in front of me). It'd only work if you had NuBus video (i.e. if you can
run color X, then you can do it). You might ask Michael Zucca or Paul
Goyette. They would know more.
Colin Wood
Component Design Engineer - MD6 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.