Subject: Re: XWindows, Ghost-Priest, 800x600 and 68040
To: Xiamin Raahauge <>
From: Greg Evans <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/19/1998 22:59:37
>On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Greg Evans wrote:
>> anyway, if anyone can help it would be appreciated, or perhaps point me
>> to where the ghost-priest kernels are located again, perhaps there is a
>> newer one?
>> -GReg
>Look on
>It's compilied from the 1.3 release sources.
I remember that before once I changed back to the 14" monitor the
ghost-priest kernels would configure the grf and I was able to run X but
once I switched back to the 17" it again failed to initialize the grf.
Lucky for me I have a friend close by with a 14" that I had forgotten
about. I borrowed it and with the 14" Apple monitor it initializes the
grf, on the 17" it doesn't. :/ T
he 17" is a Nokia 447L and has one of those "adapters" between the
monitor cable and the Quadra with four switches. If I cahnge the
switches the monitor goes nuts. they are currently set at 1 and 4 down
(off) 2 and 3 up (on).
It always worked fine under 1.2.1, but is yet to work under 1.3.
Could it be that the changes in the code for 1.3 will render X on my
beloved 17" undoable because fo something with the adapter for the
monitor or perhaps the monitor itself?