Subject: Re: Running -current again...?
To: Mason Loring Bliss <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/20/1998 19:16:14
On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Mason Loring Bliss wrote:
> Hi, all! I'm curious about something. My SE/30 is running 1.3 right now,
> but I'd like to make a couple changes to my kernel. I remember a warning
> that changes were required if folks wanted to compile post-1.3 -current
> kernels. I'm assuming that the easiest way for me to deal with this, given
> that I don't have space to keep a full set of source code around, is to
> download and install a new binary snapshot.
You don't need to go that far yet. Usually all that needs re-compiling is
config. And last I checked, when you sup'd the kernel source, the config
source came along too. So you just have to re-build config every now and
Take care,