Subject: Re: gunzip: xserver.tar.gz: invalid compressed data--crc error
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Clark Martin <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/21/1998 00:23:48
>Thanks Larry for responding, but....
>> Perhaps had some problems that have been corrected,
>> or a network error corrupted the files in transit. Try downloading
>> the files again, or try using a different server such as
>> <>.
> I am afraid the ftp transfer is NOT the problem.
>I have another SunOS machine sitting next to the NetBSD-Mac68k.
>NFS server is running on it. I have ftped files from
> to that Sun
>machine. At installation, I did mount that server and directly
>run tar zxvf command on NetBSD (mac68k-1.3Beta) for base,etc, kern.
>Up to this point, it was totally fine.
> After rebooted for 1.3_RELEASE machine, I did the similar thing
>to add xserver.tgz etc. At this time, I had the problem, say,
>SunOS NFS server -> tar zxvf on NetBSD-1.3_RELEASE machine.
>I was suspicious the pipe on gzip and tar at NetBSD_RELEASE,
>but just gunzip on xserver.tgz has a problem ( I have copied the
>file and did gunzip also).
>Then I did gunzip on SunOS (NFS server) and do tar xvf on NetBSD,
>it is OK. I have installed xcontrib and xfont successfully.
>The tar files had no problem at all.
>That is the story I am suspicious with gunzip on MacII ci.
>Thanks for reading,
>Makoto Fujiwara
>Chiba Japan
>MacIIci 20MB, Portrait display (+video card), 360MBytes Disk
>Ethernet A-Series
I had a similar problem. I downloaded the files from to my
Power Mac using Fetch. Then I transfered them to my IIci (NetBSD 1.2.1)
again using Fetch (after switching the TCP/IP setup). After that, gunzip
kept giving me that error. I also tried using MacGzip which also reported
an error. I finally got a good transfer after disabling all the features
that assigned unknown files as text, etc, both for download and upload. I
think what happened was that I was getting Unix-Mac End-Of-Line conversions
because it was treating the files as text. The .tgz files were showing up
as BBEdit (my text editor) files. Now gunzip is working fine.
Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting
"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"