Subject: Re: ppp connect speed
To: Colin Wood <>
From: Space Case <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/21/1998 21:59:09
On Jan 21,  9:46pm, "Colin Wood" wrote:
>Jan 21 20:20:41 mycroft-holmes chat[317]: expect (name:) 
>Jan 21 20:20:41 mycroft-holmes chat[317]:  45333/ARQ/x2/LAPM/V42BIS^M 
>Where down at the last line is the connect speed.  Will this do it for

If the 45333 is the speed (you have a 56K modem?) then that'll do it.
I want to know if my connects are 28800 or 26400.


Steven R. Allen -

Faith is the quality that enables you to eat blackberry jam on a picnic
without looking to see whether the seeds move.

Contrary to popular belief, Unix is user friendly.  
It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.
	-Kyle Hearn  <>

If at first you don't succeed, give up, no use being a damn fool.