Subject: installin 1.3...
To: NetBSD List <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adrian Rollett <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/22/1998 21:39:04
ok, so I finally break down and decide to install 1.3 on my IIci (16 megs
ram - quantum fireball 1080 - 1.2GENERIC#38) So, i grab the kernel, a few
of the snapshots, throw the kernel in /, and reboot single user. then i
run fsck, / is fine, /home is fine, but /usr/local partition says
disk read fails on block 19 or some such
then it proceeds to fail on 20-26 or so, then tell me i can't mount -a
/usr/local, cause the superblock is the wrong size - this is all from
memory, so you'll have to excuse the shaky terminology ;)
so i was freaked out, thought i was hosed. well, i put the old kernel
back, booted multiuser and had no problems whatsoever - not a one!
So, I'm at least confused, if not worried here...
anyone gots ideas...?