Subject: 1.3 net errors - sn0:receive buffers exhausted
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Diller <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/26/1998 11:15:54
I just switched my BSD 1.3alpha 'enviroment' (its an external HD) from the
Mac SE/30 where its been happy for the past few months to a Centis 650.

Now I am getting some ethernet overflows that I never had with the SE/30 and
an asante card.

sn0: receive buffers exhausted

MacBSD is using the built-in ethernet on the Centris, of course.

Also, this pops up occasionally:

sn0: receive FIFO overrun

-any ideas as to how to make whatever network buffer larger?

-andy diller