Subject: Re: Bootmanager....
To: Colin Wood" , "Bert Koster <>
From: Greg Evans <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/27/1998 08:58:50
>> >From <somewhere> I've got the extension (bootmanager) 'Das Boot', but I 
>> can't get it to do what it's suppost to do, I made some changes in the 
>> 'special' preference file with resedit, and now it goes half a step 
>> further, the counter is running, my monitor is set to black&white, and I 
>> get a tiny glance at the BSD startupscreen....afterwhich my LCII goes on 
>> with the startup of MacOS.
>> I'd like it to work,
>> any idea's? I would be greatfull...
>I don't think that the author of 'Das Boot' is working on it anymore...or
>at least he doesn't seem to be.  I'd recommend just getting a copy of
>Booter 1.11.1, configuring it how you wish, and then toss it in your
>Startup Items folder (making sure that you use the same System Folder as
>you saved the prefs on).

You could also (I believe) do the same trick that people are doing with 

1) Set up the Booter the way you like it.
2) Rename the booter "Finder"
3) Reboot Mac

This _should_ make the Mac go through normal startup and then 
you won't be able to use the Mac side...but....if you are running NetBSD 
exclusively it shouldn;t be a problem...
