, port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jude Giampaolo <jude@ruf2ece.ee.psu.edu>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/27/1998 18:42:51
At 5:35 PM 1/27/98, Robert Hazbun wrote:
>I was given the chance to strip an LC to get parts for my mac IIsi, and
>I wanted the ram and the drive so that I would be able to install
>MacBSD. The drive was fine, It's only 80 megs but better than the 40MB
>one that I have, but the LC didn't have any 30 pin simms, although it
>did have something that looked like a simm in a gray socket that was
>next to it. Thinking that I couldn't use this, I left it and now when I
>open my computer I see the same socket there next to the simms, what is
>this socket and can I use the hardware that the LC II had in this socket
>in my computer.
The SIMM in the LC is VRAM (Video RAM). The socket in the IIsi is for a ROM
SIMM, so the VRAM won't be of much use to you. You might want to hold on to
it as there are some other models that can use it. (LCIII, Q800, etc.)
Jude Giampaolo -- Penn State University -- Electrical Engineering
jcg161@psu.edu 'I feel better having screamed, don't you?'
jude@smellycat.com http://prozac.eeap.cwru.edu/jude/