Subject: Re: nubie, hello and questions
To: Dale Einarson <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/27/1998 19:02:55
Dale Einarson wrote:
> Superfluous prenote:
>         This is my 1st post.  I have little UNIX experience.  I have Linux,
> FreeBSD on I386. No prob.'s!  I have failed to get things running on
> MacBSD.  twm/X runs  (lynx works.),  but dt-1.1.4, AfterStep or avail'
> binaries no chance.

Really?  What exactly do you mean when you say that the above failed to

>         Q:  X front end;  What is the name of the mac like front end? were
> do I get it?

mlvwm (mac-like virtual window manager).  i don't know where to get it,
but if you do a websearch for it, you'll probably find the web page...ok,
i take that back, here it is:

>         Q:  Are there any URLs that might help bring me up to speed?  ( I
> know of these)

yes, all of them.  especially the faq itself.

>         Q:  Netscape /motif  ( on my PC )
> I have Netscape running on FreeBSD_i386/TWM/X does this say anything about
> the MOTIF problem?

not really.  the "motif problem" will probably be worked around once the
source code to netscape has been released, but that's a few months away
at the moment

>         Q:  Does anyone have a mount_amiga2DD_floppy file?

what's that?


Colin Wood                       
Component Design Engineer - MD6                 Intel Corporation
I speak only on my own behalf, not for my employer.