Subject: RE: xntpd & xntdate
To: None <port-mac68k-owner@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Diller <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/28/1998 11:23:21
> > > > >I read that 1.3 integrates NTP into the system. I'd like to run
> > > > >xntpd, but I just can't find tickadj anywhere on my machine. How
> > > > >of the NTP package is included?
> >
> Thinking ahead a bit, to when I'll have this solved (I know I will!):
> ought to start putting together an enormous pile of
> platform-independent HOWTOs, especially with all the new functionality
> of 1.3.
I'm having problems with xntpd and xntpdate also.
Does anyone have some sort of overview on how to get these working?
Here at school, we have three timeserver running NTP.
so, I should do this:
> ntpdate
(ok, looks good)
> xntpd
(i have /etc/ntp.conf pointing to timeserver1,2 & 3)
But the date on the Mac refuses to leave GMT!!
I have localtime linked to EST. It even appears that the time is syncing,
but the hours are off by the difference between GMT and EST.
I've read the FAQ on timesetting, but the mac still shows GMT.